Tyson Kackley

Tyson Kackley

Marine Corps Systems Command
Mr. Kackley’s distinguished career began at the Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division as an Expeditionary Warfare Analyst, from where he swiftly progressed into Modeling and Simulation (M&S) of Marine Corps Forces deployed from Navy Ships. His work led to the creation of a new program of record (POR), the Navy/MAGTF-Ship Integration Center (N/MSIC), for which he served as Technical Manager. In 2014, he moved to Marine Corps Systems Command (MCSC), focusing on a novel 3D transportability simulation. By 2018, he was appointed the Deputy M&S Lead in the Future Capabilities and Innovation Branch at MCSC SEAL, assigned as the M&S Lead for the new PM Wargaming Capability (PM WGC). Kackley has effectively steared crucial issues for the future Wargaming Capability and is the Prototype Technical Lead/M&S Lead as the program moves from Rapid Prototyping to Rapid Fielding. He holds a M.S. in Mathematics from Claremont Graduate University, a Masters of Operations Research from North Carolina State University, and Bachelor’s Degrees in Mathematics and Classics from the University of Dallas.