IT²EC VIP Engagement Form

Submit your engagement preferences here

Our Personal Onsite Engagement Service team can maximise your time at IT²EC by organising your plan for attending, based on your requirements. Our team can:

  • Schedule meetings with, or recommend, exhibitors who best match your needs
  • Factor in any suitable demos/activities or pre-existing arrangements
  • Include conference session topics/speakers relevant to you
  • Organise bi-lateral meetings for you

Please complete the form below so we can better understand your requirements. We will then propose an engagement plan that best matches your needs, and once you agree to the proposal including recommended exhibitors to see, we will schedule meetings with them on your behalf to provide you with a confirmed plan for your visit to IT²EC.

Please complete and submit this form by FRIDAY 14 August to ensure we can arrange a plan for you in time for your visit.